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Website Design

Ooooh! Sparkly!

At Geeks on the Beach Web Design Agency we work hard to create beautiful, professional, and impressive websites for our Vancouver Island customers. Our design philosophy is focused on giving our clients support and expertise to build them a website that works and expands their online footprint.

Gorgeous Web Design For Your Bottom-Line

“Nice Website!” Wise Decision.

Truly outstanding web design goes beyond pretty. Truly effective web design merges creativity with strategy. The #1 name for 'Web Design Vancouver Island' since 2007.

Web Design Workspace
  • Mobile-Friendly Responsive Web Design.
  • Search Engine Goodness Baked Right In.
  • Easy to Maintain. Ready to Grow.
  • Award-Scented Website Design & Customer Support.

Jonathan Michaels a pixel-pushing, search-engine-optimizing, interface-designing, copy-writing, code-tweaking, usability-enhancing, business-building, web-slinger.

Since that's a bit of a mouthful, he'll also answer to the title of Beach Geek.

Jonathan has been crafting websites in the Parksville / Qualicum Beach area of Vancouver Island for over π × 10^-2 centuries.

Wow, you're saying. This Jonathan Michaels guy sounds fascinating! Tell me more!