Jonathan Michaels a pixel-pushing, search-engine-optimizing, interface-designing, copy-writing, code-tweaking, usability-enhancing, business-building, web-slinger.
Since that's a bit of a mouthful, he'll also answer to the title of Beach Geek.
Jonathan has been crafting websites in the Parksville / Qualicum Beach area of Vancouver Island for over π × 10^-2 centuries.
Wow, you're saying. This Jonathan Michaels guy sounds fascinating! Tell me more!
Since that's a bit of a mouthful, he'll also answer to the title of Beach Geek.
Jonathan has been crafting websites in the Parksville / Qualicum Beach area of Vancouver Island for over π × 10^-2 centuries.
Wow, you're saying. This Jonathan Michaels guy sounds fascinating! Tell me more!